Facebook Business Page Marketing Tips

Social media marketing requires bit of practice to get it perfected for your particular niche and market. The reason for this is because no two businesses are the same, your voice on social media platforms needs to be unique. That means, if anything, create your own unique digital assets and creatives which will stand out… Continue reading Facebook Business Page Marketing Tips

How to Embed YouTube Videos

In todays internet world, YouTube videos can be used for many different reasons. Most website and small business owners feel that its hard to get in YouTube for marketing, however, there are countless opportunities for creating video content. For example: if you are a manufacturer of garment, then perhaps you could create videos showing the… Continue reading How to Embed YouTube Videos

SEO Copywriting Simplified

Writing web copy that converts more, and writing web copy that also gets higher Google rankings is called SEO Copywriting. Great content creation where you pass on your own unique voice, marry that with precise keyword insertion for Google rankings will bring better results no doubt. Don’t make an honest mistake by listening to me,… Continue reading SEO Copywriting Simplified

SEO Insights You Didn’t Know About

The field of Search Engine Optimization (also known as SEO) is interesting and can also be rewarding for online businesses. Because its very easy to optimize websites when you understand what Google is trying to accomplish “provide relevant results” which keeps everyone happy including the Google Ads customers. How Google came to dominate the search market is… Continue reading SEO Insights You Didn’t Know About