Did you know that YouTube keeps more than watch and search history? Let’s find out what they are and how-to delete them all.
Video Tutorial Showing How-to Delete ALL YouTube History
How-to Clear YouTube Watch History
When you are logged in to your YouTube account and press on “History” menu link. This takes you to Watch History feed. Here you can clear your watch history.
How-to Clear YouTube Activity Including YouTube Search History
When you are logged in to your YouTube account and press on “History” menu link. On the right hand side menu, press on “Manage all history“. Then you can select Delete “Today, Custom Date Range, or Delete all Time”
But Wait There is More
Depending on how you used YouTube, there may be more activity history for you to clear. Simply visit Other Activity section (make sure you are signed in to your Google Account).
Main Google Account vs Brand Account
Most Google account holders have a single YouTube Account tied to their main Google Account. This is your personal YouTube Account. However, business owners may have created Brand Accounts. This means, whenever you want to delete youtube activity, ensure you are logged in to the correct account (be it Google main account or a Brand Account).