Fixing Page with Redirect Issues

Some RankYa followers using WordPress CMS WiX Shopify Blogger are reporting an issue for Page with Redirect problems even after I’ve created many different how-to video tutorials for fixing redirect issues (includes video walkthroughs). Updated Content and Video Tutorials (Covers All Page Indexing Issues) Page Indexing I’ve decided to create an updated blog post as… Continue reading Fixing Page with Redirect Issues

How to Fix ‘Video is not the main content of the page’

Here are updated tutorials (including video lessons) for understanding and fixing video indexing issues as reported by Google Search Console Video Page Indexing. Basic Understanding of Video Indexing Reports The video indexing report in Search Console shows how many indexed pages on a website has video/s part of the web page, and importantly, how many… Continue reading How to Fix ‘Video is not the main content of the page’

How-To Fix Video Outside the Viewport

To troubleshoot video outside the Viewport errors as shown in Google Search Console Video Page Indexing reports. All you need to do is identify the video area on the page, and then move the video so that the entire video is inside the renderable area of the web page and seen when the page loads.… Continue reading How-To Fix Video Outside the Viewport

How to Fix Crawled Currently Not Indexed

Is your website encountering the “Crawled – currently not indexed” status in Google Search Console? This Page indexing status indicates that Googlebot (Google’s URL crawl bot) has visited a particular web page (for a verified website property in Search Console), but hasn’t yet added the web page to its index, which also means the web… Continue reading How to Fix Crawled Currently Not Indexed

How to Fix Excluded by noindex Tag

There are various methods a website URL can send NOINDEX directive telling search engines like Google to NOT index certain parts of a website. This is to block indexing of URLs. Fixing Excluded by ‘noindex’ tag Issues When troubleshooting Page indexing errors, do not waste time analyzing Page indexing reports for Excluded by ‘noindex’ tag… Continue reading How to Fix Excluded by noindex Tag