Website Structured Data and Google Rich Results

laptop and web page icon with screenshot of Rich Results Tester and Schema Markup Validator

Google Search works hard to understand the content of a webpage. Using better Semantics in web design and including Structured Data markup can aid search engines to better evaluate your website content. Also, latest Google search results displays more engaging experiences such as, panels for Local Business, Shopping Product results, Hotel Bookings, Discover and Rich Results amongst others.

Many years ago, the importance of Schema Markup and possibilities wasn’t considered to be part of website semantics. HTML5 changed that.

Today, most search engines not only support Structured Data Schema Markup, but they actually use it to analyze content, in the case of Google, it uses it for engaging search experiences and even more enriched search results. In fact, 2024 promises even more changes and wider support for different types of Schema.

Schema for WWW

Consider it as a structured framework, particular organized way of information. For your business website, this means, organizing your web page elements (be it, HTML Website AboutPage ContactPage, LocalBusiness, Product, Copyright Information, Author Details, BlogPosting, Article, Business Name, Customer Phone Number etc. etc.).

Video Tutorial Structured Data for Websites – Fundamentals

Adding Structured Data to a Website Properly

The only real way that will allow you to take full advantage of Structured Data Google supports (Rich Snippets, Rich Results, Enhanced Rich Results) is through coding the website Theme.

Video Tutorial Showing How-to Add Structured Data to a Website

Video Tutorial Showing How-to Use The New Schema Markup Validator

Video Tutorial Showing How-to Use Google’s Rich Snippet Tester

Structured Data for Local Business Websites

Simply download this schema org itemtype list Local Business Schema Markup Types (.zip format) and select which is the most specific one for your business website. Also watch this video for Local SEO Tips for 2024

Rich Results Google Search Engine Supports

More and more Enhancements are added for Google results and the support for Structured Data is growing. It seems that future of SEO and Website Optimization will need thorough addition of Schema Markup to web pages.

Structured data features

A news, sports, or blog article displayed in various rich result features, such as the title of the article and larger-than-thumbnail images.

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article example in search results News, Sports
Book actions

Book actions that enable users to buy the book that they find directly from Search results.

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book example in search results Entertainment, Education and Science, Ecommerce

Navigation that indicates the page’s position in the site hierarchy.

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breadcrumb example in search results Generic

Rich results that display in a sequential list or gallery from a single site. This feature must be combined with one of the following features: Recipe, Course list, Restaurant, Movie.

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An illustration of how a recipe host carousel can appear in Google Search. It shows 3 different recipes from the same website in a carousel format that users can explore and select a specific recipe Food and Drink, Education and Science, Entertaiment
Course info

A carousel that focuses on detailed information about courses, such as reviewer ratings, pricing, and course details.

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course info rich result in search results Education and Science
Course list

A list of educational course from the same course provider. Courses can include the course title, provider, and a short description.

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course list rich result in search results Education and Science

Large data sets that appear in Google Dataset Search.

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dataset example in search results Education and Science
Discussion forum

User-generated content (traditionally short-form compared to Article), followed by a threaded or non-threaded discussion about that topic.

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An illustration of the discussions and forums rich result
Education Q&A

Education-related questions and answers that help students discover flashcards on Google Search.

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Education Q&A carousel in search results Education and Science
Employer aggregate rating

An evaluation of a hiring organization compiled from many users that’s displayed in the job search experience on Google.

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employer aggregate rating example in search results Jobs
Estimated salary

Salary estimate information, such as salary ranges and region-based salary averages for job types, displayed in the job search experience on Google.

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salary estimate example in search results Jobs

An interactive rich result that shows a list of organized events, such as concerts or art festivals, that people may attend at a particular time and place.

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event example in search results Entertainment
Fact Check

A summarized version of a credible site’s evaluation of a claim made by others.

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fact check example in search results News

A Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) page contains a list of questions and answers pertaining to a particular topic.

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FAQ example in search results
Home activity

An interactive rich result where people can discover online activities that they can do from home.

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Home activities example in search results Education and Science, Organizations
Image metadata

When you specify image metadata, Google Images can show more details about the image, such as who the creator is, how people can use an image, and credit information.

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An example of Image Metadata in Google Images
Job posting

An interactive rich result that allows job seekers to find a job. The job search experience on Google can feature your logo, reviews, ratings, and job details.

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job posting example in search results Jobs
Learning video

Help students and teachers discover and watch educational videos by adding Learning Video structured data to your educational videos.

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Example of a Learning Video rich result Education and Science
Local business

Business details displayed in the Google knowledge panel, including open hours, ratings, directions, and actions to book appointments or order items.

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local business example in search results Organizations
Math solver

Help students, teachers, and others with math problems by adding structured data to indicate the type of math problems and step-by-step walkthroughs for specific math problems.

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math solvers in search results Education and Science

The movie carousel helps users explore lists of movies on Google Search (for example, “best movies of 2024”). You can provide details about the movies, such as the title of each movie, director information, and images.

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An illustration of how a movie rich result can appear in Google Search. It shows 3 different movies from the same website in a carousel format that users can explore and select a specific movie Entertainment

Information about your organization, such as your logo, legal name of the organization, address, contact information, and company identifiers. This information can show up in knowledge panels and other visual elements (such as attribution).

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organization example in search results Organizations
Practice problem

Help students, teachers, and parents with education by adding structured data to your practice problems in math and science subjects.

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practice problems in search results Education and Science

Information about a product, including price, availability, and review ratings.

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product example in search results Ecommerce
Profile page

A page that primarily focuses on information about a single person or organization that is somehow affiliated with the overall website.

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An illustration of the Perspectives filter in search results

Q&A Pages are web pages that contain data in a question and answer format, which is one question followed by its answers.

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question answer page example in search results

Recipes that display as an individual rich result or part of a host carousel.

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An illustration of how a recipe host carousel can appear in Google Search. It shows 3 different recipes from the same website in a carousel format that users can explore and select a specific recipe Food and Drink
Review snippet

A short excerpt of a review or a rating from a review website, usually an average of the combined rating scores from reviewers. A review snippet can be about Book, Recipe, Movie, Product, Software App, and Local business.

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review snippet example in search results Organizations, Ecommerce, Food and Drink, Entertainment
Sitelinks search box

A search box that is scoped to your website when it appears as a search result.

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sitelink searchbox example in search results
Software app

Information about a software app, including rating information, a description of the app, and a link to the app.

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software app example in search results

Allow search engines and other applications to identify news content to read aloud on Google Assistant-enabled devices using text-to-speech (TTS).

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speakable example that shows a conversation with the Google Home. A person asks Google Home what's the latest news with Nasa. Google Home responds with a list of three news articles. News
Subscription and paywalled content

Indicate paywalled content on your site to help Google differentiate paywalled content from the practice of cloaking, which violates our spam policies.

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A New York Times paywall example that shows a reader has reached the limit of articles News
Vacation rental

Information about a vacation property, such as the name, description, images, location, rating, and reviews.

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illustration of a vacation rental rich result
Vehicle listing

Information about a car that’s for sale, such as availability, pricing, and other key information about the vehicle.

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illustration of a vehicle listing rich result

Video information in search results, with the option to play the video, specify video segments, and live-stream content.

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video example in search results Food and Drink, News, Education and Science, Sports

Enhanced Enriched Search Results

In addition to standard rich results, Google Search supports a more interactive and enhanced class of rich result called enriched search results. These enriched search results often include an immersive popup experience or other advanced interaction features. Currently, support is still limited to certain item types (Job Posting, Recipe, Event), although support is growing.

Follow General Structured Data Guidelines

To avoid any issues, always follow Google guidelines. Since Google also has strict guidelines for Structured Data

By RankYa

RankYa is a digital services provider dedicated to growing your sales and business website's results. Highly experienced technical problem solver, Google products expert with proven 'Social Media Marketing' skills, RankYa (100% Australian Owned and Operated) is dedicated to helping small businesses to grow.

We're looking forward to contributing towards your online success. Contact Us.

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