How To Resolve 301 Moved Permanently Error

There could be many reasons for a web server to not be able to send correct response codes including 301 Moved Permanently. It could be wrong PHP coding, database collation or character encoding, web server not following Symbolic Links amongst others. That is why, I can’t tell most of you how you can fix all… Continue reading How To Resolve 301 Moved Permanently Error

How to Redirect Expired Domain

Expired domains are popular amongst some search engine optimization experts due to some expired domains having quality backlink profiles. Although there can be various different scenarios for redirecting an expired domain let me share the most common way to 301 redirect an expired domain. You’ll need the Name Server of the website you want to… Continue reading How to Redirect Expired Domain

301 Redirect Using .htaccess

If you attempt to turn RewriteEngine On a web server without the mod_rewrite module installed and enabled, this will cause a 500 Internal Server Error. Also, each time the request is made on a web server, .htaccess file will be called upon. That means, to optimize and better serve .htaccess file (particularly for Google’s Page… Continue reading 301 Redirect Using .htaccess

301 Redirection

HTTP 301 Moved Permanently redirect status response code means that the resource requested has been permanently moved to the URL given by the Location headers. A browser redirects visitors (including user-agents and search engines like Google) to a new URL as set by 301 redirection rules. How to 301 Redirect Using cPanel How to 301… Continue reading 301 Redirection

SEO Trade Secrets by RankYa

RankYa is still here working hard to catch up with SEO projects for my valued clients. But I haven’t forgotten about my fans and their efforts to get better results from their business websites. To show my sincere appreciation for your support and helping RankYa reach 40+K YouTube subscribers. I’ve decided to share very powerful… Continue reading SEO Trade Secrets by RankYa

Google Search Console Errors

If you’re a website owner, SEO specialist, or a webmaster responsible for growing traffic to a website, Google Search Console is your friendly tool that will assist you to get better results from Google Search Engine. How Google Search Engine Works In basic terms, Google is a web crawler, indexer, and ranker. What that means… Continue reading Google Search Console Errors

How to Rank in Google Maps

Local business owner looking for how to’s for ranking higher in Google Maps for your local business? Look no further because I am going to reveal to you techniques that will help your business be found in Google Maps Results, as well as Google web search results (because you can not have one without the… Continue reading How to Rank in Google Maps