How to Remove Content from Google

Did you know that ‘RankYa’ knows by heart Google product guidelines such as Google Webmaster Guidelines, Google Search Console, Google Ads, Google Analytics, YouTube community guidelines, Google Maps, Google Local Business, importantly for those wanting to remove content, Google content removal guidelines?

When Google products or its search engine results reveal unwanted or negative information about you, even if you previously tried to get your name or image removed by contacting the website owner or Google to no avail. Then:

This private course is created for sole purpose of simplifying the steps for successful removal of content from Google.

It can be daunting to understand Google policies because its just very confusing to get a positive outcome since Google policies are different by product and the country it operates in. For example: although Google is willing to remove certain type of personal information, it may not remove a mug shot image or information about a criminal conviction. Here’s what Google says

If you see content on a Google product that you believe violates the law or your rights, let us know. We’ll review the material and consider blocking, limiting, or removing access to it.

The Method for Successful Removal Requests is Knowing “Google is a Business Entity”

This means, just like any other business, it must (and does) obey the governing law in the countries it operates within. For example: Google operating in our country Australia, must follow Australian law as well as international laws. The confusing part for most people trying to remove content is knowing which laws (Defamation? Copyright Laws? Or other Legal Reasons) or which Google Product to use for successful removal request. Let this private video course by RankYa simplify the entire process and show you what to do step by step.

Before You Purchase This Course!

Keep in mind that some online reputation management companies will usually do more harm than good. Some so called experts suggest to send court orders to Google demanding it delete the links to certain websites. Such approaches often do not work because Google is too powerful of a global business with more expensive lawyers than you could ever afford.

Remember, INCORRECT REMOVAL REQUESTS to Google or to a website owner asking for removing your name, mug shot image, details about your previous criminal conviction or any type of negative content may make matters worse or harder to remove or deal with in the future. sample Search Results

Excellent tutorials full of useful information. I have learnt a lot from watching and reading the work that Tolga puts out. Try one of his premium products – top class!!

Remove Any Content Using RankYa’s Proven Strategies

8 Years ago, I’ve created a video tutorial showing ‘How to Remove Your Name from Google Search Results’ this has been very popular and watched by thousands of people around the world wanting straight forward answers to delete their name off Google. Now, due to popular demand, I’ve decided to create a brand new course for the below mentioned purpose:

NO ONE (no website owner or a search engine like Google) has the right to disturb our wellbeing, nor say anything about us online which we do not first approve. Search engines and platforms such as Facebook make billions $$$ each year using other peoples content. Time is now to take control of what search engines show the world about us.

Course Contents

  • 01 – Intro Video (basic concepts about how Google search works)
  • 02 – How to Get the Website Owner to Remove the Content
  • 02 a – What to Do When the Website Does NOT Remove the Content
  • 03 – How to Remove Content for EU Citizens (EU Privacy Removal)
  • 04 – How to Remove Content for Legal Reasons
  • 05 – How to Remove Sensitive & Negative Information
  • 06 – How to Outsmart Search Algorithms
  • 07 – How to Make a Copyright Claim
  • 08 – How to Outdate Google Results
  • 09 – How to Bury Search Results
  • 10 – Tools you may use
  • 11 – Outro Video
  • Sample Letters (Microsoft Word format)

Important Disclaimer

Video sessions: 06 – How to Outsmart Search Algorithms. 07 – How to Make a Copyright Claim. 08 – How to Outdate Google Results. 09 – How to Bury Search Results. Are strictly for educational purposes only. RankYa does not suggest nor recommend using such techniques detailed in these particularly mentioned video sessions, and thus, RankYa disclaims any liability whatsoever to any individual or entity using such techniques revealed in the particularly mentioned video lessons.

Searching my name showed embarrassing article and image for a case I was found NOT GUILTY. I couldn’t believe my eyes Google no longer showed my name just after 10 days using rankya expert. Looking for genuine practical tips? THANK YOU rankya

Who Can Benefit

  • Anyone wanting to successfuly remove content from Google search results (personal name, images, videos or any type of content)
  • Anyone who finds Google Removal Process confusing
  • Anyone previously submitted a removal claim to Google but was unsuccessful
  • Anyone previously used other removal services to no avail (lawyers, court orders, online reputation managers etc.)

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Terms and Conditions

  • All videos are formatted using MP4 format (rendered in HD)
  • All videos are to be downloaded within 14 days of access
  • Any and all videos labelled private (usually purchased through paid Course/s) must not be shared, nor published (online or otherwise)
  • All private videos we created are Copyrighted by us. You are agreeing to not make available public, sell, modify, edit, or share our private videos
  • You are also agreeing to not publish, make available public RankYa’s website optimization techniques, SEO trade secrets and or formulas, found within your purchased private course

How to Order & Gain Instant Access

Your secure order process will be handled by our Merchant Partner Stripe. Rest assured, your credit card information is not visible to us because we do not process it here on our website. Stripe payments uses best-in-class security practices to maintain a highest level of security for your transaction.

  • Upon completing your secure order process, you’ll be automatically redirected to your new private course access page.
  • Should you encounter any issues gaining instant access, please do Contact RankYa and I’ll resolve any issues whatsoever.
  • RankYa trading as ‘Online Expansions’ is proud to have already contributed to thousands of website owners knowledge (YouTube 55K+ subscribers. Facebook 145K+ genuine likes) and now you too can remove content, easier.

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Cost $98 (Normally $196) (Instant Access)

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